Here comes the cold stuff – and that’s great news for hot dog sales! You’ll sell more hot dogs in January than you do in August, all other things being equal.

Why? Simple – hot food sells better when it’s cold outside. I know when it’s 100 degrees out sales on my cart drop dramatically.I must admit that even though I’m a major hot dog fan, I just don’t want much hot food when I’m sweating my you-know-what off. In fact my favorite hot weather food is a cold braunschweiger (liver sausage) sandwich with raw onions and an icy cold beer. Or three. Yes, I’m German.

However, when it cools down to where you need a jacket, I can sell a LOT more hot dogs. Which brings us to today’s topic:

How do we keep the cart cooking when the mercury falls below 32 degrees?

Here is a post that I publish every year about this time that will help you deal with the cold temps at your hot dog biz.


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