Here’s a great question about how to keep your hot dogs hot when it’s cold outside…


Hey Steve would you ask your hot doggers a question for me? I would like to know what is the best way to wrap up your dogs you serve. I have seen a foil like paper and a open box. Is there something out there that you can wrap them up so they stay warm? I will send picks to you when I get started. I can’t wait to get started! Everyone in town knows that I’m building this and they can’t wait either. I have already had them ask me to set up at their locations. I think that I am going to be busy!


Congrats on your start up! Sounds like you are building up some pre-opening excitement. Good for you!

I use these wax sheets from Sam’s Club but they don’t do much to keep the dogs warm.

When it get’s cold out you can ask the customer if they want a foil wrap to keep it warm or are they just going to eat it right now.

If they are eating it on the spot just cradle the dog in a wax sheet and hand it to the customer. There is no reason to waste a foil sheet in this circumstance.

If they do want a foil wrap, I still wrap the dog in a wax sheet first, then wrap that in the foil. This offers an extra layer of insulation.

OK slingers, your turn. What are all y’all doing as far as wrapping methods? Let us know in the comments!


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