how to steam hot dog bunsSomething I have been trying to find out is how long can you steam the buns for? Can they be in there for an hour? 2? Won’t they get soggy? I always thought you steamed the buns just before serving for 30 seconds or so…

Jeffrey T.


How long you can hold a bun in the steamer depends a lot on the brand of bun you use. I now use Rosen’s which are made for steaming. They can sit in the steamer for a half hour without losing their firmness. Call Vienna Beef for a distributor near you.

That being said, I also used Walmart buns for years with good steaming results.

What ever bun you use the key is to not let your steamer get too hot. Turn down (or even off) the flame when necessary. You can also crack the lid open a bit to let excess steam escape.

Use a perforated pan or false bottom above the water and keep the buns away from the pan sides which are too hot. Place a clean white bar towel in the bottom of condensation is causing sogginess.

One or all of these tips should help you produce hot, fluffy buns that melt in your customer’s mouth!

Let’s hear your tips slingers!!!


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